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Elder Care Tips & Advice: Alzheimer’s Affects All The Senses, Not Just Memory

elder care tips for those with Alzheimer's disease from elder law attorney in georgia

Elder Care Tips and Advice About Effects of Alzheimer’s

One of the most often overlooked consequences of Alzheimer’s disease as it reflects to elder care, is how it affects the way the brain recognizes and processes the five senses.

Most people tend to only pay attention to signs of memory loss when caring for elders or seniors with Alzheimer’s. However the sense of sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch are also affected and could give you even earlier clues about dementia or Alzheimer’s.

A friend told me about one of her elderly neighbors who had lost his sense of smell and taste many years earlier than any signs of memory loss were evident. At the time, neither she nor his children knew that losing the sense of smell is often one of the very first senses affected by Alzheimer’s. Years later, the neighbor was finally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s after he was already exhibiting memory loss, disorientation and did not recognize his children.

Be Alert For Sensory Changes  When Managing Elder Care of Those with Alzheimer’s

If you are caring for a loved one with dementia, or if you suspect your loved one may be experiencing any sensory loss, here are some sensory changes to look as provided by the Alzheimer’s Resource Center.

When caring for elders or other persons who suffers from Alzheimer’s may be physically healthy otherwise, but due to the deterioration of certain parts of the brain, the body doesn’t respond as it should.
  1. Sight
    There may be nothing physically wrong with the eyes of your loved one; however the brains ability to interpret the images may be decreased. This can cause confusion, disorientation and the inability to recognize familiar people or places.
    A few tips to manage this decline would be to:
    • Create color contrast between floors and walls to create visual “depth”.
    • Mark the edges of steps and stairs with brightly colored strips of tape to identify height changes.
    • Place brightly colored signs or simple pictures on doors for easier identification.
  2. Smell
    It is very common for smell to be the first sense affected by Alzheimer’s disease. In most cases, it is noticed before the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s has been made. It is important to keep refrigerators clear of spoiled food.
  3. Taste
    If you’ve ever noticed that when you nose is stuffy due to a cold or infection, your sense of taste is greatly decreased. The loss of smell plus the added decrease in taste bud sensitivity, can really affect the way your loved one tastes things. There is also the danger of confusion, leading them to place hazardous items in their mouths. Some simple recommendations would be to lock up cleaning supplies and consider learning the Heimlich maneuver in case of an emergency.
  4. Hearing
    As in the case of the eyes, a person could test as having perfect hearing, but not be able to process sounds. This can lead to agitation, confusion or over stimulation. You should avoid excessive noise in the home and avoid large gatherings of people.
  5. Touch
    As with all of the other senses, sensitivity in touch decreases. Depending on how severe the loss is, a person with Alzheimer’s disease may not be able to recognize being cold or hot or even being in pain. Many of the steps recommended are similar to childproofing your house. Things to consider:
    • Color code water faucet handles.
    • Place warning signs on the oven and other appliances that get hot.
    • Cover corners of furniture with padding.




Looking to find an experienced estate lawyer in the Georgia area who is skilled in asset protection and estate plan preparation? Shannon Pawley is an attorney in Georgia with expertise in estate planning and asset protection. Shannon can provide assistance with creating an estate plan to include making a will and how to establish a trust properly. If you have questions about asset protection or questions about making an estate plan, reach out to Shannon and she will be glad to help answer all the estate planning questions you might have!

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