Proactively Create An Estate Plan That Addresses Your Minor Children’s Needs In The Worst-Case Scenario
Think you don’t need to create an estate plan?
You might not think you need to create an estate plan. After all, in life, it’s always important to expect the best. Likewise, it’s also important to have a plan in place for the worst-case scenarios. This is especially true when you have minor aged children, and when you have children with functional needs. You want to make sure you have a proactively prepared estate plan in place which addresses your children’s care in the rare and unlikely event that the unthinkable happens and both parents die or become mentally incapacitated. It happens more frequently than anyone wants to acknowledge or believe. The chaos and confusion that ensues can adversely affect your children for the rest of their lives.
When parents die without a well thought out estate plan naming a guardian for minor children, the courts step in to choose a surviving family member to take custody of the children. This could be someone that you would not want to be caring for your children.
There are many things that must be considered in establishing a thorough and proactive estate plan.
Especially if you have minor children, your estate plan needs to be solid. Potential guardians are without question the most important decision that must be made. In addition, you’ll want to address their financial needs. You’ll also want to name an executor, a trusted person who will make decisions regarding your property and financial assets.
I know this is not a subject anyone really wants to think about, however, it will provide a great sense of confidence and relief knowing that your children will be cared for according to your wishes should the worst happen. And, of course, the best-case scenario is that your children reach the age of 18 and you modify your estate plan accordingly.
When you are ready to create an estate plan that addresses this topic, give my office a call a404-370-0696 and let’s get started.
Once your estate plan is in place you will feel great knowing you have prepared for the worst. Then you can continue to always expect the best.
Looking to find an experienced estate lawyer in the Georgia area who is skilled in asset protection and estate plan preparation? Shannon Pawley is an attorney in Georgia with expertise in estate planning and asset protection. Shannon can provide assistance with creating an estate plan to include making a will and how to establish a trust properly. If you have questions about asset protection or questions about making an estate plan, reach out to Shannon and she will be glad to help answer all the estate planning questions you might have!